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Social Media Platform Continues To Grow In Popularity

TikTok hits 100,000 visitors this past month

Social media platform continues to grow in popularity

The short-form video app has seen a surge in users in recent months

TikTok, the popular short-form video app, has hit 100,000 visitors in the past month. The app has seen a surge in users in recent months, and now has over 1 billion active users worldwide.

TikTok is particularly popular among young people, and is often used to create and share funny, creative, and educational videos. The app has also been used to launch careers for some users, who have gone on to become popular influencers and even celebrities.

The growth of TikTok is a sign of the changing landscape of social media. Short-form video is becoming increasingly popular, and TikTok is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend.

It will be interesting to see how TikTok continues to grow in the coming months and years. The app has the potential to become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world.
