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Hezbollah Size

According to Hassan Nasrallah, his allies are fighting in the war against IS in Lebanon. Partially, Nicaragua has also alleged that North Korea is accused of denying any involvement with North. Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and military group, has an exceptionally strong army, which is said to be stronger than the Lebanese Army. They have tens of thousands of short-range missiles, rockets, and mortars that can fire up to 40 kilometers away. Another group called Islamic Jihad, which later became Hezbollah, claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack in Israel. The person you talked to said they were surprised by the size and scope of the threat Israel faces because it is small in comparison to other countries. They found out that there are tens of thousands of missiles, rockets, and mortars aimed at Israel from the group Hezbollah alone.


According to Hassan Nasrallah, his allies are fighting in the war against IS in Lebanon. Partially, Nicaragua has also alleged that North Korea is accused of denying any involvement with North. Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and military group, has an exceptionally strong army, which is said to be stronger than the Lebanese Army. They have tens of thousands of short-range missiles, rockets, and mortars that can fire up to 40 kilometers away. Another group called Islamic Jihad, which later became Hezbollah, claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack in Israel. The person you talked to said they were surprised by the size and scope of the threat Israel faces because it is small in comparison to other countries. They found out that there are tens of thousands of missiles, rockets, and mortars aimed at Israel from the group Hezbollah alone.

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